8.30 AM
  • Guest Arrival & Light Refreshment
9.00 AM
  • Welcoming Speech and Doa Recitation
9.05 AM
  • Welcoming remarks by the Vice Chancellor of Nilai University
9.15 AM
  • Keynote Speech 1 and Q&A
9.30 AM
  • Keynote Speech 2 and Q&A
10.30 AM
  • Session I (Project Presentation and Judging)
1.00 PM
  • Lunch
2.30 PM
  • Keynote Speech 3 and Q&A (Alumni)
3.20 PM
  • Session II (Project Presentation and Judging)
3.40 PM
  • Refreshment
4.15 PM
  • Sharing from Judges
4.30 PM
  • Certificate Presentation & Award
4.45 PM
  • Closing and Photo session
5.00 PM
  • End of Program